The 4 BELIEFS as a man that will make you an ABSOLUTE SUPERHUMAN🦹‍♀️ (Your cousins may be hooking up behind your back but they definitely didn’t teach you these) 🧵
1. EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE IS A SERIES OF SKILLS AWAY Want to get RICH? Need multiple skills. Want to get a DIME GIRLFRIEND? Need multiple skills. Want AMAZING FRIENDS? Need multiple skills. Viewing life as a video game where you simply acquire the skill to get the
result will give you an EASY framework to achieve anything you’ve ever wanted. It also allows you to SEE steps forward and take action while other people stay stagnant FOREVER. EX: you want to start a service business alone. Skills needed: - offer creation - niche selection
- basic copywriting - outreaching to prospects (cold email, linkedin, etc) - running / closing sales calls - delivering the service For ANYTHING think: “What SKILL(S) do I need here?”. Then acquire QUICKLY and THRIVE. STOP WASTING TIME.
2. IF ONE MAN HAS DONE IT - SO CAN YOU This is a cousin of the first belief. Don’t get autistic here and be like “but Michael Jordan went to the league and i’m 5’4 and white!” Alright Kevin. You NEED to believe that if ONE MAN has done or achieved the thing you WANT. U CAN.
They ACHIEVED by learning SKILLS and taking ACTION. Two things THAT YOU YOURSELF CAN DO. Rarely is anyone ever SMARTER than you or SPECIAL in ways that you aren’t. They just FOCUSED, SACRIFICED, and WORKED more than you did. Which should be INSPIRING. TAKE WHAT’S YOURS.
3. THE CLARITY U WANT IS ONLY GAINED THROUGH ACTION. THE PATH REVEALS ITSELF ONLY AFTER U START. Too many dudes leave WAY TOO MUCH FUCKING POTENTIAL on the table because they don’t just start shooting INTUITION-BASED SHOTS. School FUCKED U. The “system” is ONLY thing in life
That is “predictable” with a “set path”. Once u take the REIGNS OF LIFE into your own hands, CREATING THE PATH IS COMPLETELY UP TO YOU. In REAL WORLD there is not 1 RIGHT ANSWER SUM1 CAN GIVE YOU. SORRY. There are THOUSANDS of right answers, each more / less right than others.
This fucks with people’s minds because SCHOOL and the SYSTEM tricked you into thinking life is a set of steps that someone can GIVE YOU. NOPE. MUST FORGE YOUR OWN PATH, LITERALLY. Can be no other way. & u do so by LISTENING to ur intuition and then pulling the fucking trigger.
Ur INTUITION is a little flashlight that shows u 3-5 feet ahead in TOTAL DARKNESS. You can WALK THE PATH or IGNORE IT FOR ETERNITY LIKE ALL OF YOUR SIMP ASS FRIENDS. Do u have the BALLS to FOLLOW it into the ABYSS towards ur God-given destiny? Or will u DIE ON THE SIDELINES?
4. THERE ARE NO RULES TO LIFE. LIFE IS A 1 PLAYER GAME. Nobody can tell you ANYTHING about YOUR life. It’s YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Parents don’t approve? Fuck em Friends trolling you? Fuck em Girlfriend nagging you? Fuck her (Literally) OBVIOUSLY you love & care
about the opinions of the people around you. But you must NEVER put THEIR opinions of YOUR life above your own. Once you realize that quite literally NOBODY can tell you ANYTHING about YOUR LIFE… Because it is YOUR life… YOU ARE FREE. LIVE AND LOVE HOW YOU CHOOSE♥️