Dropping serious godsauce here (I almost didn't post this due to how powerful this is): ---- Psychology is at the root of everything we do (because everything we do involves humans). A god-level understanding of psychology makes you a god-level marketer & content creator. Not many people know this but you can actually train yourself to FEEL the psychological relatability of your messaging. Whether it be COPY, CONTENT, ADS, VIDEOS ETC. You can FEEL when the messaging misses. There is no POP. No PIZZAZ. And when it hits? OH FUCK. THAT'S GOOD. You FEEL it. A deep, visceral alignment of the internal world (the thoughts in your mind) with the outer world (the messaging you're coming across). It MATCHES. Once you're at this level - when YOU say it's GOOD... It isn't subjective. It is now OBJECTIVE. Why? Because it is OBJECTIVELY aligned with human psychology. You have acquired the sight. You know the game. The messaging on your content / copy / ads is IDENTICAL to the messaging that is going on in the prospect's head. You are mimicking their thought flow. In the same way I can reproduce viral bangers over and over and over over again for my clients On ANY TOPIC is the mental mechanism that @blackhatwizardd uses to develop his client's banger offers. I can take any video topic and SPIN IT into a viral banger. @blackhatwizardd can simply look at your offer and SPIN IT to fit into a banger offer in the market. It is the SAME THING. And it is all pure psychology. Robert Collier (copy legend) in his letter book said this: "You need to enter the conversation already taking place in the customer's mind." Now replace CUSTOMER with audience member, viewer, potential partner, potential lead, business partner, etc. The closer you can get to the TRUTH of how the psyche operates in a given situation, the more effective you will be as a human. And this is where it gets interesting. Because EVERY WORD YOU SAY will generate a verbal reaction/response in the customer's mind. So If I look at you and I say "you look sexy as fuck". You're gonna be all happy and giddy. And if I look at you and say "You're a failure and your friend told me he hates you" you're going to feel confused and curious/wondering if you were betrayed while also questioning the validity of my statement based on who I am. These reactions become PREDICTABLE. DO u UNDERSTAND? Now - when it comes to your content (or your sales letter, or your outreach DM, or ANYTHING).... THINK ABOUT how your prospect is going to react to your words. You need to become a master of knowing the REACTION that your output is generating. This is self awareness (of what you're putting out) + Empathy (what the other person is experiencing due to your energy)). You then CALL THIS OUT and SOLVE this INSIDE OF YOUR MESSAGING as it happens in real time. Example: If I make a video and my hook is "You need to be more narcissistic"... The average person is going to hear THAT STATEMENT and be like "No I don't fuck you narcissists are mean!!" So then my next clip is CALLING THAT THOUGHT OUT. Next clip: Now I know what you're thinking - "i dont wanna be a narcissist cuz they are mean and they've hurt me!" and I used to think that too but hear me out. That's not what i'm talking about here. BOOM. Now I am HOLDING their attention because I am IN THEIR MIND. You then latch onto and follow their mind like a river for the remainder of your messaging (aka your video, copy, outreach etc). And don't let go until you make your point. Apply this and you will thrive. I love u
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