Who are the BC Conservatives and how did they go from nobodies to possibly winning this election? Would it surprise you to learn that the answer involves shadowy right-wing orgs and the oil industry? Of course it wouldn't. Buckle up. 🧵
This all starts in 2018 with the removal of a statue of John A MacDonald from the steps of Victoria city hall. Here "BC Proud spokesperson" Aaron Gunn marches alongside the Soldiers of Odin to protest its removal.
Shortly after, at the Hellenic Cultural Center the UBC Free Speech Club had invited (Kremlin stooge) Lauren Southern to talk alongside famous white nationalist Stephan Molyneux.
The UBC Free Speech Club had a bad rep, one which would only get worse with time, reaching a peak when they went full Nazi at Devils Elbow.
And who was it behind all of this and why? Angelo Isidorou, the MAGA hat kid.

Isidorou has been a US-style right-wing activist alongside Aaron Gunn in the group BC Proud, offshoot of Jeff Ballingal's Canada Proud.
Then in 2021 BC Proud see's an opportunity. The BC Liberals are broken, and looking for new leadership. They push Aaron Gunn as a candidate.
One might recognize some of Gunn's issues. However, Gunn is rejected by party insiders and fails to even reach a vote. Shortly after rumors start circulating that they're talking with another party...
A website has been launched to support Aaron Gunn running for BC Liberal leadership. These are some of the most recent issues listed on Gunn's website. #bcpoli https://t.co/fhtGJvBc6t pic.twitter.com/2wOBXUO9Ig
— Richard Zussman (@richardzussman) January 25, 2021
Gunn and Isidorou would join the BC Conservatives. Gunn would run as an MLA. Isidorou would land a leadership role as the executive director of the party.
So how did these two guys manage to turn a dead party into the leading party in BC polls? We can't say entirely for sure, but we have a pretty good idea. The secret lies with their parent org: Canada Proud
BC Proud was a subsidiary of Canada Proud, who also owns Ontario Proud. All three are founded by Jeff Ballingal. Ballingal runs Mobilize Media Group, which Isidorou previously worked for. From the National Observer link above:

Mobilize Media Group has been hired by the federal Conservatives to boost their messages online. So when Poilievre suddenly posts something that is perfectly in line with what the BC Cons are saying, you know why
Canada Proud has is funded by the Modern Miracle Network, a pro-oil astroturf organization headed by ex-oil executive Michael Binnion.
To quote @macleans (via @DeSmog ) "Oil money has also contributed to the network of Proud groups across Canada, which have been linked to Ballingall’s Ontario Proud."
This is, sadly, the political reality now. We have to be extra vigilant to keep oil industry funded astroturf groups at bay as they not only funnel hundreds of thousands, even millions, into our political campaigns, but place their guys within our parties.
For more on Isidorou and Gunn and their connections to other right-wing social movements, see my other thread at:
For more on the BC Conservatives and the ridiculous candidates that Isidorou has brought into that party, see @pressprogress's fantastic reporting