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After 2.5 years of development, the Ultimate Windows Wallpaper Pack is out! An early Xmas present. This includes thousands of wallpapers, sample pictures, user account pictures and other backgrounds. Download links in the replies.

Google Drive (ZIP): https://t.co/C1ueKwz1ok This version is 2 GB, so downloading and storing it should relatively be simple. It does not include downloadable wallpapers from 2009 to now, which are 10 GB alone.

MEGA folder: https://t.co/q4frlBDl1X This version is a whopping 12 GB, as it includes as many of the downloadable wallpapers I could find, in addition to everything else (which is already in the 2 GB pack).

DeviantArt landing page: https://t.co/JjTyKVJ2Yy

Hope this pack was worth the wait! If you enjoy it, share it as much as possible. And to journalists: please consider writing articles about this pack. I've worked on it for ages and I am positive it's the world's most extensive Windows wallpaper archive.

Also check out these older packs of mine for HD/alternate versions: https://t.co/Kv07ec21xn https://t.co/pMIVcbYpEN https://t.co/bosqSNgwEQ Or my Nokia ringtone pack featuring HQ and unused ones: https://t.co/GuA071UDWQ

After 2.5 years of development, the Ultimate Windows Wallpaper Pack is out! An early Xmas present. This includes thousands of wallpapers, sample pictures, user account pictures and other backgrounds. Download links in the replies. Google Drive (ZIP): https://t.co/C1ueKwz1ok This version is 2 GB, so downloading and storing it should relatively be simple. It does not include downloadable wallpapers from 2009 to now, which are 10 GB alone.MEGA folder: https://t.co/q4frlBDl1X This version is a whopping 12 GB, as it includes as many of the downloadable wallpapers I could find, in addition to everything else (which is already in the 2 GB pack).DeviantArt landing page: https://t.co/JjTyKVJ2YyHope this pack was worth the wait! If you enjoy it, share it as much as possible. And to journalists: please consider writing articles about this pack. I've worked on it for ages and I am positive it's the world's most extensive Windows wallpaper archive.Also check out these older packs of mine for HD/alternate versions: https://t.co/Kv07ec21xn https://t.co/pMIVcbYpEN https://t.co/bosqSNgwEQ Or my Nokia ringtone pack featuring HQ and unused ones: https://t.co/GuA071UDWQ

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