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. @TheLastRefuge2 Police uncover Chinese-run ‘extensive’ illegal marijuana operation in Passadumkeag, It's reported last year that Maine had 270 large-scale illegal marijuana grows linked to organized crime groups in China. https://t.co/f7KgKZcZPx via @bangordailynews

. @TheLastRefuge2 Since the Maine Wire began reporting on the sites & publicly identifying the locations& their owners, there've been over 2 dozen raids on black market weed grow, with all of the individuals arrested being of Chinese descent with poor English.

@TheLastRefuge2 The Passadumkeag site is onethe longest-running Chinese-owned growing sites in Maine, having been purchased in 2020 by GC Realty LLC. GC Realty 168 was registered in 2019 under the name of Xianmin Chen. GC 168 also is the owner of another suspected weed growing site in Brownville



@TheLastRefuge2 4 Chinese, 1 in US illegally, found with $22.5M worth of marijuana plants in Pierce, Georgia, the largest indoor drug growing bust ever in the county - https://t.co/RWXBaJnmRp

@TheLastRefuge2 https://t.co/BzZwfDm3n3 https://t.co/JdFhjfLT3X

. @TheLastRefuge2 Police uncover Chinese-run ‘extensive’ illegal marijuana operation in Passadumkeag, It's reported last year that Maine had 270 large-scale illegal marijuana grows linked to organized crime groups in China. https://t.co/f7KgKZcZPx via @bangordailynews. @TheLastRefuge2 Since the Maine Wire began reporting on the sites & publicly identifying the locations& their owners, there've been over 2 dozen raids on black market weed grow, with all of the individuals arrested being of Chinese descent with poor English. @TheLastRefuge2 The Passadumkeag site is onethe longest-running Chinese-owned growing sites in Maine, having been purchased in 2020 by GC Realty LLC. GC Realty 168 was registered in 2019 under the name of Xianmin Chen. GC 168 also is the owner of another suspected weed growing site in Brownville@TheLastRefuge2 @TheLastRefuge2 @TheLastRefuge2 4 Chinese, 1 in US illegally, found with $22.5M worth of marijuana plants in Pierce, Georgia, the largest indoor drug growing bust ever in the county - https://t.co/RWXBaJnmRp@TheLastRefuge2 https://t.co/BzZwfDm3n3 https://t.co/JdFhjfLT3X

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