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What is Tommy Robinson's relationship with Israel?

According to his former employee, Lucy Brown, Tommy Robinson received £10,000 monthly from Robert Shillman, a board member of the Friends of The IDF.

Tommy Robinson is pictured here with a bodyguard provided by the Campaign Against Antisemitism. The CAA's founder and director is simultaneously a director of the JNF, the largest settlement building org in occupied Palestine. The Israeli PM and President are patrons of the JNF

Tommy Robinson previously described a key figure on the Board of Deputies, Robert Festenstein, as his legal advisor. The Board of Deputies states in its 2020 Trustees Report that it has a "close working relationship with the Israeli embassy and strengthened links to the IDF."

What is Tommy Robinson's relationship with Israel? According to his former employee, Lucy Brown, Tommy Robinson received £10,000 monthly from Robert Shillman, a board member of the Friends of The IDF. Tommy Robinson is pictured here with a bodyguard provided by the Campaign Against Antisemitism. The CAA's founder and director is simultaneously a director of the JNF, the largest settlement building org in occupied Palestine. The Israeli PM and President are patrons of the JNF Tommy Robinson previously described a key figure on the Board of Deputies, Robert Festenstein, as his legal advisor. The Board of Deputies states in its 2020 Trustees Report that it has a "close working relationship with the Israeli embassy and strengthened links to the IDF."

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