Hello, #Starship fans! Quite a few poeple have asked me now all sorts of things about the new OLIT. Therefore I decided to post a big thread in order to answer most of the questions you guys have. I’ll show you their current locations and their most important features. 🧵1/16

You might have heard that my family has been evacuated on Monday because of severe floods in southern Germany. Therefore I was not able to work on this thread for two days, but I wanted it to be released before IFT-4. 🧵2/16
I came to the conclusion to ditch the idea of a text based thread and decided to render images of the individual tower sections. 🧵3/16
I think the best way to actually answer all of your questions is that YOU comment your question under the section you have questions to. This way I can assure that there is no question left. 🧵4/16
The first question I often hear is: “Where exactly are the tower sections?“ or “What is this or that tower section?“ I’ve prepared a very simple map of Sanchez construction and tower section staging area. 🧵5/16

Tower Section One 🧵6/16

Tower Section Two 🧵7/16

Tower Section Three 🧵8/16

Tower Section Four 🧵9/16

Tower Section Five 🧵10/16

The remaining tower sections four and five were loaded onto a barge yesterday along side with the Chopsticks‘ carriage and the two Chopsticks themselves. 📷 @LabPadre 's Cape Cam 🧵11/16

Tower Section Six 🧵12/16

Tower Section Seven 🧵13/16

Tower Section Eight 🧵14/16

Tower Section Nine 🧵15/16

Your time has come... comment your questions down below and I’ll try to answer them. Please spread this post so as many people as possible can get their questions answered. Thank you! Enjoy the launch tomorrow and see you soon – over and out! 🧵16/16