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Clever Tricks and Behind-the-Scenes Magic of Legendary Movies.. A Thread 🧵 👇 1. Exterior of the sewer set in the movie 'IT'

2. Asylum set in the movie Shutter Island

3. Lion King animators taking a class in how to draw lions in 1992

4. Marlon Brando's jaw prosthetic for The Godfather

5. How they filmed the train scene in "Back To The Future 3"

6. Behind the scenes on The Dark Knight, how the hospital explosion looked in-camera.

7. How they got that POV shot in E.T The Extra Terrestrial

8. Josh Brolin and Zoe Saldana behind the scenes of 'Avengers: Infinity War'

9. Men in Black (1997) - All the work that goes into capturing a shot of Will Smith sitting on a bench.

10. Behind the scenes footage of the filming process of The Titanic, 1997

11. In Baby Driver (2017) While actors were busy performing, the real driver was on top of the car.

12. Spider-Man, War Machine, and Hulk behind the scenes Avengers: Endgame

13. Men in Black (1997). Never realized the small animatronic alien inside the human head was that large

14. In Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), all the wide shots of Luke flying across Tatooine in his speeder were achieved by placing a mirror underneath a version of the prop with a motor and wheels.

15. Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)

16. Behind the scenes of Harry Potter before and after special effects

17. Jurassic World (2015)

18. Tom Cruise breaking his ankle during stunt for Mission Impossible 6

19. Lighting a freeway for Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

20. Henry Cavill as Superman rehearsing scenes for Justice League

21. "One. Two. Ten!!" - Actor Ralph Foody on the set of 1990's "Home Alone" fake gangster movie "Angels with Filthy Souls"

22. The entire set for Sean Connery's 'The Hunt for Red October' was build to move like a real submarine.

23. 20 stuntmen on fire at the same time for 'Game of Thrones'

24. Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menace. Model maker Michael Lynch created a mock crowd by cutting and painting 450,000 cotton swabs. To simulate cheering, filmmakers placed fans beneath the setup

25. A terrific foreground miniature by Spanish effects maestro Emilio Ruiz del Río for Conan the Destroyer (1984).

26. The magic behind BB-8.

27. James Cameron IN the set of Titanic

28. Making of the movie "The invisible man"

29. lieutenant dan's legs in Forrest Gump

30. Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci from Mythbusters working on Trade Federation battleship from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

If you enjoy this thread, please share it, and don't forget to check out my profile @tradingMaxiSL for a wealth of fascinating posts daily. ♥️ https://t.co/H8NPltoetR

Clever Tricks and Behind-the-Scenes Magic of Legendary Movies.. A Thread 🧵 👇 1. Exterior of the sewer set in the movie 'IT' 2. Asylum set in the movie Shutter Island 3. Lion King animators taking a class in how to draw lions in 1992 4. Marlon Brando's jaw prosthetic for The Godfather 5. How they filmed the train scene in "Back To The Future 3" 6. Behind the scenes on The Dark Knight, how the hospital explosion looked in-camera. 7. How they got that POV shot in E.T The Extra Terrestrial 8. Josh Brolin and Zoe Saldana behind the scenes of 'Avengers: Infinity War' 9. Men in Black (1997) - All the work that goes into capturing a shot of Will Smith sitting on a bench. 10. Behind the scenes footage of the filming process of The Titanic, 1997 11. In Baby Driver (2017) While actors were busy performing, the real driver was on top of the car. 12. Spider-Man, War Machine, and Hulk behind the scenes Avengers: Endgame 13. Men in Black (1997). Never realized the small animatronic alien inside the human head was that large 14. In Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), all the wide shots of Luke flying across Tatooine in his speeder were achieved by placing a mirror underneath a version of the prop with a motor and wheels. 15. Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) 16. Behind the scenes of Harry Potter before and after special effects 17. Jurassic World (2015) 18. Tom Cruise breaking his ankle during stunt for Mission Impossible 6 19. Lighting a freeway for Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. 20. Henry Cavill as Superman rehearsing scenes for Justice League 21. "One. Two. Ten!!" - Actor Ralph Foody on the set of 1990's "Home Alone" fake gangster movie "Angels with Filthy Souls" 22. The entire set for Sean Connery's 'The Hunt for Red October' was build to move like a real submarine. 23. 20 stuntmen on fire at the same time for 'Game of Thrones' 24. Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menace. Model maker Michael Lynch created a mock crowd by cutting and painting 450,000 cotton swabs. To simulate cheering, filmmakers placed fans beneath the setup 25. A terrific foreground miniature by Spanish effects maestro Emilio Ruiz del Río for Conan the Destroyer (1984). 26. The magic behind BB-8. 27. James Cameron IN the set of Titanic 28. Making of the movie "The invisible man" 29. lieutenant dan's legs in Forrest Gump 30. Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci from Mythbusters working on Trade Federation battleship from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace If you enjoy this thread, please share it, and don't forget to check out my profile @tradingMaxiSL for a wealth of fascinating posts daily. ♥️ https://t.co/H8NPltoetR

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