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Immunity Let’s dig into that. We WANT many things to happen, But here is my over riding Question: What. Crimes. Are. YOU. Proposing. Biden. Commit? A🧵For Thought #ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1

SCOTUS created an utterly complete morass of the “Immunity Decision”. No doubt about that! In their Zealotry to defend Donald J. Trump, As I have told you before, They Made Their Own Power Grab. Self Appointed themselves as Kings. THOUGHT will defeat them, NOT DESIRE

I see so many that I know and love calling for President Biden to do X, Y, or Z. Please know I love your Fighting Spirit. Please know I understand and agree with your desire to take the gloves off. Please know I fully agree we are in a gutter fight for democracy.

I’m begging you Right Here, Right Now, I understand your anger! I understand your Desire for Justice! I understand your sense of Righteousness has been violated AND that SCOTUS just defenestrated Justice - Like Putin does to those who nay say against him. Yet I MUST Ask Again:

What. Crimes. Do YOU. Wish. Biden. Would. OFFICIALLY. Commit? SCOTUS ruled that “private” crimes, those not committed as “official duties” are not off limits from prosecution. The CRUX of it is- ONLY the Courts, And therefor eventually ALWAYS SCOTUS can decide “official-ity”.

Let’s begin with a thought experiment, a hypothetical: I have seen many people express they wish for Biden to arrest the Far Right Arm of SCOTUS. Why not? Immunity now right? Okay. Let’s “Game That Out!” Really put thought into the consequences.

We will set aside the fact that no President actually has the power to arrest anyone and they have to work through the Justice Department which can tell them to “Go fish” if they want. Immunity might cover that.

So now you have 5 SCOTUS Justices sitting in the hoosegow. Constitution grants them Lifetime appointments. We Are Literally Trying To STOP A Candidate For President That has said he wants to “suspend” parts of the Constitution. But sure, go on. Tell Biden to act like Trump.

Better go breaking even more laws in not permitting them to have access to communication of any kind while in prison. If you don’t they will just write or communicate in some way that they are NOW In Session and make a Unified SCOTUS ruling against their imprisonment.

Unified? Oh absolutely! Even the most liberal of sitting SCOTUS Justices, CURRENTLY or in the Future, would rule that they cannot be thrown in prison without Due Process. Due Process is one of the very FOUNDATIONAL reasons we split from England in the first place!

Understand: When Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus, he did so through Congress. Congress actually passed the Bill and there was much discussion and consternation about it at the time! Enough so, it only took about a year to pardon almost all imprisoned by it.

For those who may not recall that particular controversy from their History classes, ((Hopefully it was taught at least in passing!)) I will include the Wiki page here as a refresher only. There are a ton of articles and books on the matter. https://t.co/7jYKA2xCN3

Setting even that SCOTUS would in a nutshell spring themselves from jail, what else? How do you spell - D I V I S I O N ? Some may Cheer. YOU may Cheer. Yet we see how fast the Media and Pundits wish to discard Biden just for ONE BAD NIGHT. If he were to act like a Dictator?

I get it! We all need to voice our frustration and play “the wishing game” now and then. One thing: I know they present it as a so called “Plan”, But what do you think Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” REALLY IS? A “wish-list” for the Far Right. That’s What!

Want to see how fast WE THE PEOPLE rise up against a Dictator? Forget President Biden, have ANY President act in such a way as what many of you are wishing for! This is America. The Far Right is doing all they can to convince you a Dictatorship is the way to go. Don’t Be One!

I know by writing this many will get angry with me. Sorry. You know how much I love presenting the Brutal Truth. Might even have to see about trademarking that.🤣 It is a Brutal Truth that there are no Easy Answers my friends. Head Down. Do. The. Work!

We already know the very hard work that has to be done. Talking to “unlikely voters”. Educating as many as possible about Project 2025. Reminding them of the true horrors of the “Trump Years”. Showing them who Trump really is! Work, work, work. Yet it is work well worthwhile.

Wishing and Dreaming is fine. Wishing and Dreaming is a productive and healthy outlet of Righteous Anger. Yet, When we post on Social Media our Wishes and Dreams, Others will begin to agree with us and may not be informed to understand why those can ONLY Be Wishes and Dreams.

My Friends, You’re REALLY going to hate me for this, Honestly HAS TO BE SAID: When others do not understand we are just voicing our Wishes and Dreams, They take them up as DEMANDS. Demands just as bad as if not worse than Project 2025 because we begin to lose our very soul.

I won’t have that! I dearly hope you won’t have that either. Like the Bible or not, the verse: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”, Contains a Vast Amount of Wisdom.

If you are still with me let’s Shout Together: WE Demand Better, Even of ourselves when Despair leads to Darkness. WE Stand Together, Because Project 2025 Must be defeated. WE Will. Vote. Them. OUT! Because a Blue Wave will Sweep Away would be Dictators. BELIEVE IT!

Immunity Let’s dig into that. We WANT many things to happen, But here is my over riding Question: What. Crimes. Are. YOU. Proposing. Biden. Commit? A🧵For Thought #ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1SCOTUS created an utterly complete morass of the “Immunity Decision”. No doubt about that! In their Zealotry to defend Donald J. Trump, As I have told you before, They Made Their Own Power Grab. Self Appointed themselves as Kings. THOUGHT will defeat them, NOT DESIREI see so many that I know and love calling for President Biden to do X, Y, or Z. Please know I love your Fighting Spirit. Please know I understand and agree with your desire to take the gloves off. Please know I fully agree we are in a gutter fight for democracy.I’m begging you Right Here, Right Now, I understand your anger! I understand your Desire for Justice! I understand your sense of Righteousness has been violated AND that SCOTUS just defenestrated Justice - Like Putin does to those who nay say against him. Yet I MUST Ask Again:What. Crimes. Do YOU. Wish. Biden. Would. OFFICIALLY. Commit? SCOTUS ruled that “private” crimes, those not committed as “official duties” are not off limits from prosecution. The CRUX of it is- ONLY the Courts, And therefor eventually ALWAYS SCOTUS can decide “official-ity”.Let’s begin with a thought experiment, a hypothetical: I have seen many people express they wish for Biden to arrest the Far Right Arm of SCOTUS. Why not? Immunity now right? Okay. Let’s “Game That Out!” Really put thought into the consequences.We will set aside the fact that no President actually has the power to arrest anyone and they have to work through the Justice Department which can tell them to “Go fish” if they want. Immunity might cover that.So now you have 5 SCOTUS Justices sitting in the hoosegow. Constitution grants them Lifetime appointments. We Are Literally Trying To STOP A Candidate For President That has said he wants to “suspend” parts of the Constitution. But sure, go on. Tell Biden to act like Trump.Better go breaking even more laws in not permitting them to have access to communication of any kind while in prison. If you don’t they will just write or communicate in some way that they are NOW In Session and make a Unified SCOTUS ruling against their imprisonment.Unified? Oh absolutely! Even the most liberal of sitting SCOTUS Justices, CURRENTLY or in the Future, would rule that they cannot be thrown in prison without Due Process. Due Process is one of the very FOUNDATIONAL reasons we split from England in the first place!Understand: When Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus, he did so through Congress. Congress actually passed the Bill and there was much discussion and consternation about it at the time! Enough so, it only took about a year to pardon almost all imprisoned by it.For those who may not recall that particular controversy from their History classes, ((Hopefully it was taught at least in passing!)) I will include the Wiki page here as a refresher only. There are a ton of articles and books on the matter. https://t.co/7jYKA2xCN3Setting even that SCOTUS would in a nutshell spring themselves from jail, what else? How do you spell - D I V I S I O N ? Some may Cheer. YOU may Cheer. Yet we see how fast the Media and Pundits wish to discard Biden just for ONE BAD NIGHT. If he were to act like a Dictator?I get it! We all need to voice our frustration and play “the wishing game” now and then. One thing: I know they present it as a so called “Plan”, But what do you think Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” REALLY IS? A “wish-list” for the Far Right. That’s What!Want to see how fast WE THE PEOPLE rise up against a Dictator? Forget President Biden, have ANY President act in such a way as what many of you are wishing for! This is America. The Far Right is doing all they can to convince you a Dictatorship is the way to go. Don’t Be One!I know by writing this many will get angry with me. Sorry. You know how much I love presenting the Brutal Truth. Might even have to see about trademarking that.🤣 It is a Brutal Truth that there are no Easy Answers my friends. Head Down. Do. The. Work!We already know the very hard work that has to be done. Talking to “unlikely voters”. Educating as many as possible about Project 2025. Reminding them of the true horrors of the “Trump Years”. Showing them who Trump really is! Work, work, work. Yet it is work well worthwhile.Wishing and Dreaming is fine. Wishing and Dreaming is a productive and healthy outlet of Righteous Anger. Yet, When we post on Social Media our Wishes and Dreams, Others will begin to agree with us and may not be informed to understand why those can ONLY Be Wishes and Dreams.My Friends, You’re REALLY going to hate me for this, Honestly HAS TO BE SAID: When others do not understand we are just voicing our Wishes and Dreams, They take them up as DEMANDS. Demands just as bad as if not worse than Project 2025 because we begin to lose our very soul.I won’t have that! I dearly hope you won’t have that either. Like the Bible or not, the verse: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”, Contains a Vast Amount of Wisdom.If you are still with me let’s Shout Together: WE Demand Better, Even of ourselves when Despair leads to Darkness. WE Stand Together, Because Project 2025 Must be defeated. WE Will. Vote. Them. OUT! Because a Blue Wave will Sweep Away would be Dictators. BELIEVE IT!

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