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The biggest improvement in my life came when I realized happiness is just a product of good habits. 9 habits I used to unf*ck myself:

Say No by Default Your time's precious: don't give it to people who don't deserve it. Especially to Energy Vampires who drain your energy. Conquer FOMO and put yourself first - my rule of thumb is if it's not a f*ck yes, it's a no.

Get Addicted to Learning I put time aside daily before bed to read. At first, it was tough to stay consistent - but the more I did it, the more its effects compounded. Your information diet is just like your actual diet: if you eat crap, you'll feel crap.

Prioritize Nature A study of 20,000 people in the UK found that 120 minutes/week in nature improved health and well-being. It's the planet's greatest healer. Whenever I’m in a rut, nature’s always the spark that returns color to the gray.

Morning Routine Your routine doesn't need to be 4 hours long or involve a cold plunge - just nail the basics: • No phone first thing • A small win early (e.g. light exercise) • Mind primed for deep work (e.g. by journalling) Your morning is the stretching before the sprint.

Embrace Loneliness Twice a month, I do something normally "social" alone. I'll eat dinner, go to the park, or attend a movie by myself. Solitude is an essential pillar to truly know yourself: it's the secret garden where self-discovery can bloom.

Choose Writing Over Complaining Complaining isn't attractive - it repels ambitious people and fosters a negative mindset. Write down your thoughts instead: you're forced to think slowly and deeply so your irrationality loses its edge. It's the therapy your therapist uses.

Pay it Forward Random acts of kindness boost well-being: • Holding the door for someone • Picking up trash outside • Giving a compliment The world's a closed system: if you send waves of positivity out, they'll find their way back to you.

Maintain Relationships Human connections are the fabric of life - but you need to be intentional with them amidst life's chaos. So schedule time weekly for thoughtful texts and calls to those you've neglected. It's a couple of minutes with an ROI you'll measure in years.

Focus on Your Health I’m convinced most mental health problems are actually physical health problems. Everyone I know who: • Eats well • Exercises daily • Drinks enough water Has a Teflon mind that repels all negativity.

Men today are suffering from issues that no one talks about: • Low self esteem • Masturbation • Obesity • Porn Men, pick yourself up. Become a CHAD now: https://t.co/ZFldX95vXc

The biggest improvement in my life came when I realized happiness is just a product of good habits. 9 habits I used to unf*ck myself: Say No by Default Your time's precious: don't give it to people who don't deserve it. Especially to Energy Vampires who drain your energy. Conquer FOMO and put yourself first - my rule of thumb is if it's not a f*ck yes, it's a no.Get Addicted to Learning I put time aside daily before bed to read. At first, it was tough to stay consistent - but the more I did it, the more its effects compounded. Your information diet is just like your actual diet: if you eat crap, you'll feel crap. Prioritize Nature A study of 20,000 people in the UK found that 120 minutes/week in nature improved health and well-being. It's the planet's greatest healer. Whenever I’m in a rut, nature’s always the spark that returns color to the gray. Morning Routine Your routine doesn't need to be 4 hours long or involve a cold plunge - just nail the basics: • No phone first thing • A small win early (e.g. light exercise) • Mind primed for deep work (e.g. by journalling) Your morning is the stretching before the sprint.Embrace Loneliness Twice a month, I do something normally "social" alone. I'll eat dinner, go to the park, or attend a movie by myself. Solitude is an essential pillar to truly know yourself: it's the secret garden where self-discovery can bloom.Choose Writing Over Complaining Complaining isn't attractive - it repels ambitious people and fosters a negative mindset. Write down your thoughts instead: you're forced to think slowly and deeply so your irrationality loses its edge. It's the therapy your therapist uses. Pay it Forward Random acts of kindness boost well-being: • Holding the door for someone • Picking up trash outside • Giving a compliment The world's a closed system: if you send waves of positivity out, they'll find their way back to you.Maintain Relationships Human connections are the fabric of life - but you need to be intentional with them amidst life's chaos. So schedule time weekly for thoughtful texts and calls to those you've neglected. It's a couple of minutes with an ROI you'll measure in years. Focus on Your Health I’m convinced most mental health problems are actually physical health problems. Everyone I know who: • Eats well • Exercises daily • Drinks enough water Has a Teflon mind that repels all negativity. Men today are suffering from issues that no one talks about: • Low self esteem • Masturbation • Obesity • Porn Men, pick yourself up. Become a CHAD now: https://t.co/ZFldX95vXc

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