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🧵🇻🇪 COUP BY FAKE MEDIA! The Maduro opposition (including in the US) artificially inflated the hysteria and tried to motivate Venezuelans to join the protests! Let’s look at how that works: Like this guy, posed for a photo as if he was dead and the opposition posted: “Fly high, ‘Pimpina’ you offered your life for the freedom of our Venezuela. We will not eat soup together again, but God will light the way to a free Venezuela! You were not a politician, you had no adversaries, your only goal was a better country!” -> The government arrested him afterwards and forced him to record an apology video. Dramatization to round up Venezuelans. 1/

Another one: Venezuela’s police shot a protestor! “Is this the government you want!” But after the scene is done, he is filmed driving away. The videos are stitched together. How many such video are fake is unclear, not all fakers were caught obviously. 2/

More drama for social media! Somebody took a frame, pretending Venezuela’s police shoots women and children. Classic propaganda, but a video shows the reality. They just chase them away. 3/

Now the whole thing started by simple fakes getting dozens of millions of views, like this one. It was pretended, that Maduro’s gangs steal ballot boxes to steal the votes. In the video, the woman says they steal the air conditioning, what they in fact do. But the simple fake

Another simple fake: “The election office accidentally posted pictures with. Crushing defeat of Maduro.” Reality: The guy on that pic is Ruben Flores, manager from "Mercal" in Aragua, an Estate owned food distribution network. That is a "mercal" office as you can see on the

Venezuela’s army calls for the overthrow of Maduro: Army Captains Javier and Juan Carlos Nieto Quintero send a message to the Venezuelan Armed Forces: “It is time to make the right decisions at this historical moment (…) It is evident that we have a new president- elect".

Another simple “gotcha” Maduro published voting results with 109.2%. Reality: TV network made an error retrieving numbers from the database! The fact that 4.6% is repeated thrice and that the excess is exactly 4.6% points towards a grouping error. The 4.6% was the sum of all

Another agitation, the anti Maduro gangs drive around and shoot in the air. 1) People think there’s fighting and hide 2) Videos are filmed from different angles to pretend government forces shoot at protestors. 3) Now remember the fake dead guys from post 1 and 2 8/

Extreme: Protestors drive a dead guy around to different places and pretend many people were shot in different areas. You can see, the shoes, jeans, shirt, bracelet on left hand is same … BUT they put a hat on him. -> It’s unclear what happened to this poor guy, but he’s used

Huge clashes between protestors and police. Problem, this video is 7 years old. 10/

Venezuelan military shooting peaceful protestors, with a million views. It is from 2016 in Turkey. 11/

When videos are taken, it’s often unclear who the people are. Here it is claimed Maduro’s gangs are shutting down the polling station, when in fact it’s the opposition doing that. 12/

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina followed by a camera team confronts the police. The police understands, that they want dramatic pictures and moves away. -> Video is from 2017! 13/

Don’t get me wrong, there are a significant amount of supporters of the opposition… but the drama was artificially inflated, to motivate people to protest and get rid of Maduro. Now the actual protests have calmed down and the revolution is fading away, it’s safe to assume that

🧵🇻🇪 COUP BY FAKE MEDIA! The Maduro opposition (including in the US) artificially inflated the hysteria and tried to motivate Venezuelans to join the protests! Let’s look at how that works: Like this guy, posed for a photo as if he was dead and the opposition posted: “Fly high, ‘Pimpina’ you offered your life for the freedom of our Venezuela. We will not eat soup together again, but God will light the way to a free Venezuela! You were not a politician, you had no adversaries, your only goal was a better country!” -> The government arrested him afterwards and forced him to record an apology video. Dramatization to round up Venezuelans. 1/Another one: Venezuela’s police shot a protestor! “Is this the government you want!” But after the scene is done, he is filmed driving away. The videos are stitched together. How many such video are fake is unclear, not all fakers were caught obviously. 2/ More drama for social media! Somebody took a frame, pretending Venezuela’s police shoots women and children. Classic propaganda, but a video shows the reality. They just chase them away. 3/ Now the whole thing started by simple fakes getting dozens of millions of views, like this one. It was pretended, that Maduro’s gangs steal ballot boxes to steal the votes. In the video, the woman says they steal the air conditioning, what they in fact do. But the simple fake Another simple fake: “The election office accidentally posted pictures with. Crushing defeat of Maduro.” Reality: The guy on that pic is Ruben Flores, manager from "Mercal" in Aragua, an Estate owned food distribution network. That is a "mercal" office as you can see on the Venezuela’s army calls for the overthrow of Maduro: Army Captains Javier and Juan Carlos Nieto Quintero send a message to the Venezuelan Armed Forces: “It is time to make the right decisions at this historical moment (…) It is evident that we have a new president- elect". Another simple “gotcha” Maduro published voting results with 109.2%. Reality: TV network made an error retrieving numbers from the database! The fact that 4.6% is repeated thrice and that the excess is exactly 4.6% points towards a grouping error. The 4.6% was the sum of all Another agitation, the anti Maduro gangs drive around and shoot in the air. 1) People think there’s fighting and hide 2) Videos are filmed from different angles to pretend government forces shoot at protestors. 3) Now remember the fake dead guys from post 1 and 2 8/ Extreme: Protestors drive a dead guy around to different places and pretend many people were shot in different areas. You can see, the shoes, jeans, shirt, bracelet on left hand is same … BUT they put a hat on him. -> It’s unclear what happened to this poor guy, but he’s used Huge clashes between protestors and police. Problem, this video is 7 years old. 10/ Venezuelan military shooting peaceful protestors, with a million views. It is from 2016 in Turkey. 11/ When videos are taken, it’s often unclear who the people are. Here it is claimed Maduro’s gangs are shutting down the polling station, when in fact it’s the opposition doing that. 12/ Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina followed by a camera team confronts the police. The police understands, that they want dramatic pictures and moves away. -> Video is from 2017! 13/ Don’t get me wrong, there are a significant amount of supporters of the opposition… but the drama was artificially inflated, to motivate people to protest and get rid of Maduro. Now the actual protests have calmed down and the revolution is fading away, it’s safe to assume that

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