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And has been since the late 80s so what's your excuse for never saying a word until after 2020 @drsimonegold Why is that question so threatening to "doctors?" Here's a picture of doctors who have done little to nothing but peddle Rx Drugs in response to #WWIII and the release

of a #BiologicalWeapon. Do you know who is not in this picture? Americans. Why? Because as #InstitutionallyIndoctrinated individuals suffering from #MassFormationPsychosis while in denial, you see Americans as "patients,"to be drugged - NOT HEALED - Americans on

#MultiDrugProtocols FOR LIFE- and somehow you ALL see this as normal. YOU ALL have the identical #PatternedBehavior in response to WWIII - SELL MORE DRUGS, see more patients. YOU ALL seek recognition and to monetize your "practice." You are iterally no better than the fentanyl

dealer on the corner but have somehow convinced yourselves you are unique or special. You are living a lie. A lie that has become increasingly obvious to Americans sick and nearly dead from your PRACTICE of one drugs side effects masked by another drugs side effects reapeated

over and over again until you are doing nothing more than "saving," someone from the very poison you peddled to them - NOT to heal them and eliminate the need for your drugs but to maintain them as a lifelong SUBSCRIBER of your addictive poison. So please tell me what am I

missing as the next #BioWeapon is about to be released? Where we already know what #GoodDoctors will do - to a person - they will peddle yet another multi drug #BigPharma suite of drugs claiming they are saving lives as millions continue to perish. And without you even

"responding," let me tell you what your response will be. It will be the same response Americans who question your "ethics," your decades-long conditioned psychosis, have received from each of you to a person for 3+ years now - Ignorance, avoidance and denial.

Ask @PierreKory @MdBreathe @DrSyedHaider @P_McCulloughMD @BretWeinstein @EricRWeinstein @RWMaloneMD @DowdEdward @stkirsch @DesmetMattias and dozens more. Ask any of you legitimate questions - that deserves a public response - and you all behave with the identical hubris.

The same holier-than-thou, "I don't owe you a response arrogance. we see a distinct break from reality from virtually every human that is not a doctor. Pierre Kory admits that for decades now, as he allowed his 3 precious daughters to be injected with poison from cradle to age

18, on average every 90 days, except for the fact the injections were combined, 2/3 of his daughters now suffer lifelong chronic disease because of "his expertise as a doctor," admitting he NEVER would have believed injecting unknown ingredients into the human body would cause

all manner of harm and injury. Again, this admission is from a "doctor," who to this day thinks he KNOWS how to heal people by prescribing multiple drugs from the same felony convicted criminals who manufacture the poisonous injections. And look at the depth of psychosis you ALL

suffer from as outlined by Bob Malone in two separate posts just months apart. A man as I understand it has received $20M since the war began and he has even sued what should have easily been recognized as his allies in this war. The point is, ignorance is no excuse and being

less wrong @drsimonegold is still wrong. So how many years, decades can you continue to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results before you recognize the insanity of your behavior. I'm asking for 333M Americans and 8 billion others who see you

for what you are, lost in a matrix of #TheEnemy's making, innocent IF ONLY you would include Americans in your quest to fight back - but guilty until you break the mental chains that bind you and include us in your efforts. And the same can be said for

any candidate running for office, that doesn't #ActDifferently and ACTIVATE Americans everyday to behave in unison, in lockstep digitally to expose the #MassGenocide being exercised against us all. NOT JUST DOCTORS, NOT JUST POLITICIANS - ALL OF US!

KNOWING the medical industry is a SHAM. KNOWING the political arena is a SHAM. And yet playing along as if nothing has been exposed or radically changed starting in 2020 where the enemy came out of hiding is all the proof anyone needs to indentify a

#DeeplyChronicSustainedPsychoticEpisode of a particular mass of individuals. Doctors suffer and sadly Lawyers and politicians do as well @RobertKennedyJr @NicoleShanahan. To a hammer everything looks like a nail. You are all behaving like a hammer. And millions see it.

@KanekoaTheGreat @TheChiefNerd @WesternLensman @OvertonLive @AndersonAfDMdEP @DschlopesIsBack @MidwesternDoc @wideawake_media @zeee_media @RenzTom @ElijahSchaffer @_BlakeHabyan @thecoastguy @UngaTheGreat @BrokenTruthTV @Sonia_Elijah @MazeMoore @ManInAmericaUS @Ultrafrog17

@PierreKory @EricAbbenante @P_McCulloughMD @SageSteele @Fynnderella1 @Holden_Culotta @DowdEdward @DrDMartinWorld @jimmy_dore @threadreaderapp unroll

And has been since the late 80s so what's your excuse for never saying a word until after 2020 @drsimonegold Why is that question so threatening to "doctors?" Here's a picture of doctors who have done little to nothing but peddle Rx Drugs in response to #WWIII and the releaseof a #BiologicalWeapon. Do you know who is not in this picture? Americans. Why? Because as #InstitutionallyIndoctrinated individuals suffering from #MassFormationPsychosis while in denial, you see Americans as "patients,"to be drugged - NOT HEALED - Americans on#MultiDrugProtocols FOR LIFE- and somehow you ALL see this as normal. YOU ALL have the identical #PatternedBehavior in response to WWIII - SELL MORE DRUGS, see more patients. YOU ALL seek recognition and to monetize your "practice." You are iterally no better than the fentanyldealer on the corner but have somehow convinced yourselves you are unique or special. You are living a lie. A lie that has become increasingly obvious to Americans sick and nearly dead from your PRACTICE of one drugs side effects masked by another drugs side effects reapeatedover and over again until you are doing nothing more than "saving," someone from the very poison you peddled to them - NOT to heal them and eliminate the need for your drugs but to maintain them as a lifelong SUBSCRIBER of your addictive poison. So please tell me what am Imissing as the next #BioWeapon is about to be released? Where we already know what #GoodDoctors will do - to a person - they will peddle yet another multi drug #BigPharma suite of drugs claiming they are saving lives as millions continue to perish. And without you even"responding," let me tell you what your response will be. It will be the same response Americans who question your "ethics," your decades-long conditioned psychosis, have received from each of you to a person for 3+ years now - Ignorance, avoidance and denial.Ask @PierreKory @MdBreathe @DrSyedHaider @P_McCulloughMD @BretWeinstein @EricRWeinstein @RWMaloneMD @DowdEdward @stkirsch @DesmetMattias and dozens more. Ask any of you legitimate questions - that deserves a public response - and you all behave with the identical hubris. The same holier-than-thou, "I don't owe you a response arrogance. we see a distinct break from reality from virtually every human that is not a doctor. Pierre Kory admits that for decades now, as he allowed his 3 precious daughters to be injected with poison from cradle to age18, on average every 90 days, except for the fact the injections were combined, 2/3 of his daughters now suffer lifelong chronic disease because of "his expertise as a doctor," admitting he NEVER would have believed injecting unknown ingredients into the human body would causeall manner of harm and injury. Again, this admission is from a "doctor," who to this day thinks he KNOWS how to heal people by prescribing multiple drugs from the same felony convicted criminals who manufacture the poisonous injections. And look at the depth of psychosis you ALLsuffer from as outlined by Bob Malone in two separate posts just months apart. A man as I understand it has received $20M since the war began and he has even sued what should have easily been recognized as his allies in this war. The point is, ignorance is no excuse and being less wrong @drsimonegold is still wrong. So how many years, decades can you continue to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results before you recognize the insanity of your behavior. I'm asking for 333M Americans and 8 billion others who see youfor what you are, lost in a matrix of #TheEnemy's making, innocent IF ONLY you would include Americans in your quest to fight back - but guilty until you break the mental chains that bind you and include us in your efforts. And the same can be said forany candidate running for office, that doesn't #ActDifferently and ACTIVATE Americans everyday to behave in unison, in lockstep digitally to expose the #MassGenocide being exercised against us all. NOT JUST DOCTORS, NOT JUST POLITICIANS - ALL OF US!KNOWING the medical industry is a SHAM. KNOWING the political arena is a SHAM. And yet playing along as if nothing has been exposed or radically changed starting in 2020 where the enemy came out of hiding is all the proof anyone needs to indentify a#DeeplyChronicSustainedPsychoticEpisode of a particular mass of individuals. Doctors suffer and sadly Lawyers and politicians do as well @RobertKennedyJr @NicoleShanahan. To a hammer everything looks like a nail. You are all behaving like a hammer. And millions see it.@KanekoaTheGreat @TheChiefNerd @WesternLensman @OvertonLive @AndersonAfDMdEP @DschlopesIsBack @MidwesternDoc @wideawake_media @zeee_media @RenzTom @ElijahSchaffer @_BlakeHabyan @thecoastguy @UngaTheGreat @BrokenTruthTV @Sonia_Elijah @MazeMoore @ManInAmericaUS @Ultrafrog17@PierreKory @EricAbbenante @P_McCulloughMD @SageSteele @Fynnderella1 @Holden_Culotta @DowdEdward @DrDMartinWorld @jimmy_dore @threadreaderapp unroll

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