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BREAKING: A Palestinian civilian raped by female Israeli guards has given direct testimony that children are also being mass raped in their dungeons. He says genital mutilation and torture is routine, and Israeli doctors also join in on the torture. Zero coverage in Western media

the Western media and political class, including Kamala Harris, gleefully fabricated and laundered the "mass rape" hoax to genocide-launder and enable the actual systematic mass gang-rape of Palestinian children, girls, boys, women and men: https://t.co/astfKQ9HhS

and after they fabricated and laundered the genocidal "mass rape" propaganda hoax, which they keep regurgitating to this day (Kamala especially loves it), they began rape-laundering the actual proven systematic mass gang-rape of Palestinians: https://t.co/UluCfecwnE

more from the direct testimony of the Palestinian civilian on Israeli female and male soldiers gang-raping Palestinians, including children, in their dungeons. Remember, the Western media class turned these Israeli sadistic rapists into Holy Saints https://t.co/GkundDPAyM

btw the fact that Israeli medical doctors join in on the rape-torture of Palestinians is not a new revelation. It's just that the Western media class rape-torture laundered it away for Israel, instead presenting these rape-doctors as credible "experts" https://t.co/VPERIEQqVC

Israelis have been mass raping Palestinians to death, including children, both since and before October 7, as the UN recently confirmed (see https://t.co/Fde6e1jjIA). They turned the actual mass rapists into fake victims to launder their mass rape https://t.co/xthA5XnILI

BREAKING: A Palestinian civilian raped by female Israeli guards has given direct testimony that children are also being mass raped in their dungeons. He says genital mutilation and torture is routine, and Israeli doctors also join in on the torture. Zero coverage in Western media the Western media and political class, including Kamala Harris, gleefully fabricated and laundered the "mass rape" hoax to genocide-launder and enable the actual systematic mass gang-rape of Palestinian children, girls, boys, women and men: https://t.co/astfKQ9HhS and after they fabricated and laundered the genocidal "mass rape" propaganda hoax, which they keep regurgitating to this day (Kamala especially loves it), they began rape-laundering the actual proven systematic mass gang-rape of Palestinians: https://t.co/UluCfecwnEmore from the direct testimony of the Palestinian civilian on Israeli female and male soldiers gang-raping Palestinians, including children, in their dungeons. Remember, the Western media class turned these Israeli sadistic rapists into Holy Saints https://t.co/GkundDPAyMbtw the fact that Israeli medical doctors join in on the rape-torture of Palestinians is not a new revelation. It's just that the Western media class rape-torture laundered it away for Israel, instead presenting these rape-doctors as credible "experts" https://t.co/VPERIEQqVC Israelis have been mass raping Palestinians to death, including children, both since and before October 7, as the UN recently confirmed (see https://t.co/Fde6e1jjIA). They turned the actual mass rapists into fake victims to launder their mass rape https://t.co/xthA5XnILI

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