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So to explain, Jack Smith filed proposed redactions. Trump's response was supposed to be objections TO THOSE REDACTIONS. It shouldn't be something that goes to docket, certainly not w/o Smith's. So Trump is likely pulling shenanigans (tho we expected that).

Here's Trump's motion, complaining about HOW Jack Smith proposed his redactions (including using redactions that we could all figure out).

Trump says there's little that we don't already know.

So to explain, Jack Smith filed proposed redactions. Trump's response was supposed to be objections TO THOSE REDACTIONS. It shouldn't be something that goes to docket, certainly not w/o Smith's. So Trump is likely pulling shenanigans (tho we expected that).Here's Trump's motion, complaining about HOW Jack Smith proposed his redactions (including using redactions that we could all figure out). Trump says there's little that we don't already know.

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