Um, your mentor, the late C. Peter Wagner, openly acknowledged the NAR’s existence. Why are you trying to deceive people, @lancewallnau? That isn’t very “Christian” of you. Receipts in thread. 1/
It’s 7M no two m’s and there is no NAR. I would know. I’m supposed to be leading it. These guys are making a living as tools of the left fighting grass roots conservatives.
— Lance Wallnau (@lancewallnau) October 1, 2024
2/ Receipt.

3/ Receipt

4/ Thread.
Earlier today, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leader Lance Wallnau insinuated in a tweet that “dominionism” & the “NAR” are labels created by “anti-Christian anti-Nationalists.” Wallnau’s “spiritual dad” & “mentor” (the late C. Peter Wagner) wld beg to differ. Roll the tape! 1/
— JennyCohn ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) February 7, 2024
5/ I mean COME ON, @lancewallnau. Did no one tell you that the internet is forever?
7/ In 2011, C. Peter Wagner wrote, “The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) has … become a topic of discussion *** One reason I might be seen as an ‘intellectual godfather’ is that I might have been the 1st to observe the movement, give a name to it & describe its characteristics.”
— JennyCohn ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) February 7, 2024
@lancewallnau 6/
14/ Another receipt: “My mentor, Dr. Peter Wagner, was always ready to correct my teaching and grammar.” -Lance Wallnau
— JennyCohn ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) February 7, 2024
@lancewallnau 7/ Wallnau belongs to organizations founded and/or led by Wagner before Wagner’s death, as I reported here.
Seeing as JD Vance recently participated in the “Courage Tour” organized by Lance Wallnau, a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), it’s a good time for me to post all of my Wallnau & NAR pieces in one place. The first is from August 2022.
— JennyCohn ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) September 30, 2024
@lancewallnau 8/ Screenshot of Wallnau’s tweet in case he deletes it.

@lancewallnau 9/ At 12-13 seconds, Wallnau’s wife speaks in tongues. 🙄
JD Vance spoke at this event today. Here’s Lance Wallnau, a Christian “apostle,” helping his wife receive a prophecy from God about the guitarist in the worship band.
— Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) September 29, 2024
@lancewallnau 10/ Lance speaking in tongues.
MAGA cultist Lance Wallnau and thousands of right-wing Christians pray in tongues to protect Trump from arrest, as well as from "every witchcraft curse, vex, spell that has been launched against him."
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) March 22, 2023
@lancewallnau 11/ Remember convicted felon Jim Bakker? Lance Wallnau is an admirer.
15/ Wallnau & Jim Bakker.
— JennyCohn ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) May 31, 2023
@lancewallnau 12/
If the GOP’s dominionist friends in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) remind you of Jim Bakker, it’s bc they are just like Jim Bakker. Here is NAR apostle Jim Garlow w/ Bakker. This is who Trump, Flynn, Stone, etc have empowered in exchange for votes & other “assistance.” 1/
— JennyCohn ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) August 24, 2022
@lancewallnau 13/ ICYMI.
Jim Bakker — first felon among TV evangelists — was convicted of bilking followers out of $158 million
— 𝕋𝕚𝕡𝕤𝕪_𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕟 (@Tipsy_in_Texas) February 15, 2020
He’s now selling an elixir he says will kill the #Coronavirus
He needs to go back to jail. He obviously learned nothing... like someone else we