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I'm 38. When I was 30 I thought philosophy was bullsh*t & for pretentious morons with college degrees Then I discovered Ryan Holiday's thoughts on stoicism & quit my job at 34 13 of his insights that transformed my life (and will do the same for you):

@RyanHoliday made millions of dollars reintroducing the world to stoicism. He took the victim mentality that's spread like wildfire & forced people to question it. It's surprising Ryan hasn't been canceled. Thank god. These are his best insights:

@RyanHoliday 1. “The path of least resistance is a terrible teacher.” This is why most 9-5 jobs suck. You own nothing. You drown in comfort. You have no freedom. You're bored out of your mind. You get paid 1/1000th of the profit. What's hard is to be freelancer or start a business. But

@RyanHoliday 2. “Build a life you don’t need to escape from.” The average person lives for weekends & holidays. It's because they're trying to numb the pain of real life. Obsessed people work forever. They never retire. Be obsessed.

@RyanHoliday 3. “In a world of distraction, focusing is a superpower.” Broke people are: • Busy • Scrolling TikTok • Caring about politics/news • Always looking at a phone Do the opposite so you can do deep work & become wealthy.

@RyanHoliday 4. "Be quiet, work hard, and stay healthy. It’s not ambition or skill that is going to set you apart but sanity." Big dreams mean nothing. Most people are dreamers. Be a loner, disappear for 6 months, go monk mode & build something.

@RyanHoliday 5. "Nobody is thinking about you. They're too busy thinking of themselves." So... • Write on social media • Say what you think • Challenge ideas like wokeism Nobody is going to cancel you. Just don't become famous.

@RyanHoliday 6. "You’re not as good as you think. You don’t have it all figured out. Stay focused. Do better." Credentialism makes people think they're Superman. But most of us know jack sh*t. Good. Now you have humility & can learn.

@RyanHoliday 7. “The world can show you the truth, but no one can force you to accept it.” It's easy to be brainwashed. To think an election will save your country (it won't). Question fact-checkers, misinformation police, governments & anyone in power. Their incentives tell you the

@RyanHoliday 8. “An entrepreneur is someone with faith in their ability to make something where there was nothing before” The wokes want "equality" They want to tax rich people so much that they leave the country & take their businesses with them. Without entrepreneurs we have nothing –

@RyanHoliday 9. “Think progress, not perfection.” The corporate world teaches us to overthink and overplan. You can't predict the future. Quit trying. What you need is 1% better each day. So throw away: • 5 year plans • Permission slips • Old school types • Technology haters

@RyanHoliday 10. “Failure shows us the way—by showing us what isn’t the way.” 99% of people are terrified of failure. They avoid it. Makes no sense. Failure = Wisdom Theory = Fortune-telling No failure, no progress. That leads to huge regrets. Don't do it, it's a trap.

@RyanHoliday 11. “When intelligent people read, they ask themselves a simple question: What do I plan to do with this information?” Reading 100 books a month is overrated. People who brag about how many books they read are stupid. Reading without intention is procrastination.

@RyanHoliday 12. "The essential idea of Stoicism is you don't control the world around you, you control how you respond" That's why mindset matters. It's why being a better thinker is more important than memorizing more information to get a useless $100K degree.

@RyanHoliday How you handle rejection, failure & tragedy determines your success. Typical approach to curveballs in life: stop everything "Family member is sick. I must stop everything" No. Stoicism teaches tragedy is guaranteed. You keep your habits no matter what And expect dark times

@RyanHoliday 13. "You know what's better than building things up in your imagination? Building things up in real life." There are creators ... then there's everyone else. The rewards belong to creators, and definitely not destroyers. Build it then make people come.

@RyanHoliday Ryan Holiday got rich by getting unlimited inbound opportunities. That's how he became free & became good friends with Tim Ferriss. You can do the same. Get my free email course to get started writing online:

I'm 38. When I was 30 I thought philosophy was bullsh*t & for pretentious morons with college degrees Then I discovered Ryan Holiday's thoughts on stoicism & quit my job at 34 13 of his insights that transformed my life (and will do the same for you): @RyanHoliday made millions of dollars reintroducing the world to stoicism. He took the victim mentality that's spread like wildfire & forced people to question it. It's surprising Ryan hasn't been canceled. Thank god. These are his best insights:@RyanHoliday 1. “The path of least resistance is a terrible teacher.” This is why most 9-5 jobs suck. You own nothing. You drown in comfort. You have no freedom. You're bored out of your mind. You get paid 1/1000th of the profit. What's hard is to be freelancer or start a business. But@RyanHoliday 2. “Build a life you don’t need to escape from.” The average person lives for weekends & holidays. It's because they're trying to numb the pain of real life. Obsessed people work forever. They never retire. Be obsessed.@RyanHoliday 3. “In a world of distraction, focusing is a superpower.” Broke people are: • Busy • Scrolling TikTok • Caring about politics/news • Always looking at a phone Do the opposite so you can do deep work & become wealthy. @RyanHoliday 4. "Be quiet, work hard, and stay healthy. It’s not ambition or skill that is going to set you apart but sanity." Big dreams mean nothing. Most people are dreamers. Be a loner, disappear for 6 months, go monk mode & build something.@RyanHoliday 5. "Nobody is thinking about you. They're too busy thinking of themselves." So... • Write on social media • Say what you think • Challenge ideas like wokeism Nobody is going to cancel you. Just don't become famous. @RyanHoliday 6. "You’re not as good as you think. You don’t have it all figured out. Stay focused. Do better." Credentialism makes people think they're Superman. But most of us know jack sh*t. Good. Now you have humility & can learn.@RyanHoliday 7. “The world can show you the truth, but no one can force you to accept it.” It's easy to be brainwashed. To think an election will save your country (it won't). Question fact-checkers, misinformation police, governments & anyone in power. Their incentives tell you the @RyanHoliday 8. “An entrepreneur is someone with faith in their ability to make something where there was nothing before” The wokes want "equality" They want to tax rich people so much that they leave the country & take their businesses with them. Without entrepreneurs we have nothing –@RyanHoliday 9. “Think progress, not perfection.” The corporate world teaches us to overthink and overplan. You can't predict the future. Quit trying. What you need is 1% better each day. So throw away: • 5 year plans • Permission slips • Old school types • Technology haters@RyanHoliday 10. “Failure shows us the way—by showing us what isn’t the way.” 99% of people are terrified of failure. They avoid it. Makes no sense. Failure = Wisdom Theory = Fortune-telling No failure, no progress. That leads to huge regrets. Don't do it, it's a trap. @RyanHoliday 11. “When intelligent people read, they ask themselves a simple question: What do I plan to do with this information?” Reading 100 books a month is overrated. People who brag about how many books they read are stupid. Reading without intention is procrastination. @RyanHoliday 12. "The essential idea of Stoicism is you don't control the world around you, you control how you respond" That's why mindset matters. It's why being a better thinker is more important than memorizing more information to get a useless $100K degree. @RyanHoliday How you handle rejection, failure & tragedy determines your success. Typical approach to curveballs in life: stop everything "Family member is sick. I must stop everything" No. Stoicism teaches tragedy is guaranteed. You keep your habits no matter what And expect dark times@RyanHoliday 13. "You know what's better than building things up in your imagination? Building things up in real life." There are creators ... then there's everyone else. The rewards belong to creators, and definitely not destroyers. Build it then make people come.@RyanHoliday Ryan Holiday got rich by getting unlimited inbound opportunities. That's how he became free & became good friends with Tim Ferriss. You can do the same. Get my free email course to get started writing online:

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