You've really fallen hard, Daniel @Haqiqatjou, to the point where Aqeedah has become as trivial to you as doing Tayammum. He claims we must believe in the six pillars, but what do they even mean to him? Do these heretics believe in them the way the Messengerﷺ taught? 1/17🧵
-The first pillar is belief in Allah. But who is this deity? What's His description? How do we truly know Him? Is it the God of Muhammadï·º, or is it the Prime Mover of Aristotle? Because the Jahmis believe in a God that neither loves His creation nor is merciful,
who is neither in the world nor outside it, who neither speaks by will nor acts as He pleases—essentially, a god analogous to abstract ideas and universals. Is this the deity you're asking us to believe in? Or is it the One of whom nothing is like, the Living, the Merciful,
the One upon the throne, over His creation, the One who speaks and will speak to us with a voice we can hear when He judges us? -We’re also supposed to believe in His books. But what are these books really? Are they Allah’s uncreated speech? Or are they created words,
because this deity supposedly cannot speak by will and only creates speech to communicate? Are the Qur'an, Torah, and Gospel His actual spoken word, or just creations like anything else? How can you claim to believe in Allah’s books while denying that He spoke them,
insisting instead that they are creations, words of his creation, like some Ash'aris say the Qur'an is Gabrielﷺ's words? -We’re supposed to believe in His messengers and prophets. But are they still prophets after their death? According to some heretic Kalamists,
prophethood is just an accident (a ‘arad), so by their logic, Prophet Muhammadﷺ and all other prophets ceased to be prophets after they passed. -We’re supposed to believe in the Day of Judgment, when Allah will judge us. But what does that entail?
Will we be resurrected body and soul, or only our souls as some philosophers claim? Will Allah truly come with the angels as stated in the Qur'an, or is that impossible as the Kalamists say? Will we see Him with our own eyes, or is He "unseeable" like the Mu’tazila claim?
Or like the Ash'aris, who twist ru’yaa into some abstract "meaning" Allah creates in our eyes, but not actually seeing Him in a direction? And then there’s the rest—siraat, mizan, and so on—which the heretics dispute about endlessly.
-We’re also told to believe in Qadar [Decree], both good and bad. But what does that mean? Is it like the Mu’tazila say—that Allah does not create our actions, and we are the creators of our own deeds? Or is it the Jabriyya's belief that Allah forces people to act,
that we have no free will, which the Ash'aris partly endorse with their theory of kasb, portraying man as someone forced by Allah to act, but dressed up as if he's free—an obvious alignment with Jabriyya? This is just a taste of the confusion surrounding
most of the pillars of Iman. You see all the disputes, all the corruption introduced by these heretical sects who turned Allah’s religion into a playground for their own opinions and deviant philosophies. But now, people like you consider their twisted ideas valid opinions,
and then criticize those who refuse to accept such deviance and corruption in Allah’s religion. This so-called call for unity you champion is nothing more than a slogan Satan uses to turn people like you into useful idiots [your term], smuggling corruption into Islam
under the banner of "unity." It's a direct assault on the Imams of Islam, on the Salaf who fought these heresies to preserve the faith. We don't want unity that comes at the cost of compromising the very foundation of our beliefs.
We want unity upon truth—that is what Allah demands, not unity with falsehood. But if you think Aqeedah is so insignificant that it doesn’t matter what people believe as long as they fit your broader agenda that you prioritize, and if you align yourself with these heretics,
like the one in your video to prop up your position, then know: you won’t succeed, just as those before you didn’t. You will continue to battle with yourself and with Ahl al-Sunnah, who will never tolerate your nonsense.
It's unfortunate for you that you've chosen to step away from unity upon truth, only to unite with heresy and deviation.