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OUR AWARENESS IS EXPANDING AND ACCESSING A WIDER BANDWIDTH … even while in these little 3D human vessels Our 3D cover,casing, skin, body, costume, role, perspective, matrix, paradigm-whatever you want to call it-is being TRANSFORMED as we live and breathe. We're being ALCHEMIZED

right before our eyes and in our mid-strides We’re jumping the walls of conventional EVERYTHING It’s happening 24/7 across all brainwave states: as we sleep, dream, trance, meditate, create, and when fully awake & alert in thinking mode. And while our physical bodies may feel all

kinds of energies and "symptoms", it’s in our AWARENESS where we experience the most dramatic changes. Our living, real-time "Etch-A-Sketch" (remember those?) is being shaken daily and a new, clean, higher-dimensional slate or platform given us to write/create ourselves in each

NEW MOMENT. We’re writing NEW stories, with NEW languages, NEW perspectives, NEW experiences, NEW sensations, and, most importantly, EXPANDED AWARENESS And AWARENESS CHANGES EVERYTHING! Two days ago, I posted: "The energies have felt SO dense today." I think a lot of us

would agree that it’s not just "two days ago" that felt dense (or strange, weird and different) but it’s been this way for a while now, and for many, it’s been quite a while.. And we assume it’s the vibe or energies around us that feel "strange" & "different" and it's "us"

reacting to the "strange & different" energies. It’s the moon or the flares or the portals and astrology, and more But what if it’s really the OTHER WAY AROUND? What if we FLIPPED that perspective? 👉 WHAT IF it’s US who are "different" and we’re feeling a strange dissonance with

the same-old 3D energies? 👉 WHAT IF *We* are the NEW ENERGIES in an OLD paradigm,and that’s what’s causing us to feel the feels of new and strange and different-ish vibes? 👉 WHAT IF *We* are the NEW EYES/PERSPECTIVE living in an OLD 3D GLOBAL PARADIGM, and that for the moment-

feels kinda different and weird? 👉 WHAT IF *We* are the NEW HEART living in an OLD, dying dualistic 3D circulatory system that is about to undergo a radical cosmic vibratory transfusion and heart transplant.. and THAT can feel strange and different. We're on the cusp of CHANGE..

but while we’re still in the transition phase, the dissonance can sometimes feel "different" and strange. Perhaps that "dissonance" is two different energies/gestalts - the NEW and the OLD - operating in the same space. We can feel "spacey" or "in two worlds walking "or agitated

or flattened and exhausted or wildly inspired, creative, and blissful.. sometimes, all at the same time! It’s quite exciting and adventurous, really We are the new and improved Indiana Jones walking a bridge invisible to those who see with OLD paradigm eyes.. A bridge clearly

VISIBLE to us who see with NEW EYES, who power-up with NEW ENERGIES, and who love and care with a HEART anchored into the CENTRAL DIVINE HEART OF ALL We’re stepping OUT of the OLD and INTO the NEW! Strange and different? BRING IT! "If your eyes are opened, you'll see the things

worth seeing." Rumi ALL IS ONE 💖 ALL IS LOVE💞 Pat Donworth 2024

OUR AWARENESS IS EXPANDING AND ACCESSING A WIDER BANDWIDTH … even while in these little 3D human vessels Our 3D cover,casing, skin, body, costume, role, perspective, matrix, paradigm-whatever you want to call it-is being TRANSFORMED as we live and breathe. We're being ALCHEMIZED right before our eyes and in our mid-strides We’re jumping the walls of conventional EVERYTHING It’s happening 24/7 across all brainwave states: as we sleep, dream, trance, meditate, create, and when fully awake & alert in thinking mode. And while our physical bodies may feel allkinds of energies and "symptoms", it’s in our AWARENESS where we experience the most dramatic changes. Our living, real-time "Etch-A-Sketch" (remember those?) is being shaken daily and a new, clean, higher-dimensional slate or platform given us to write/create ourselves in eachNEW MOMENT. We’re writing NEW stories, with NEW languages, NEW perspectives, NEW experiences, NEW sensations, and, most importantly, EXPANDED AWARENESS And AWARENESS CHANGES EVERYTHING! Two days ago, I posted: "The energies have felt SO dense today." I think a lot of uswould agree that it’s not just "two days ago" that felt dense (or strange, weird and different) but it’s been this way for a while now, and for many, it’s been quite a while.. And we assume it’s the vibe or energies around us that feel "strange" & "different" and it's "us"reacting to the "strange & different" energies. It’s the moon or the flares or the portals and astrology, and more But what if it’s really the OTHER WAY AROUND? What if we FLIPPED that perspective? 👉 WHAT IF it’s US who are "different" and we’re feeling a strange dissonance withthe same-old 3D energies? 👉 WHAT IF *We* are the NEW ENERGIES in an OLD paradigm,and that’s what’s causing us to feel the feels of new and strange and different-ish vibes? 👉 WHAT IF *We* are the NEW EYES/PERSPECTIVE living in an OLD 3D GLOBAL PARADIGM, and that for the moment-feels kinda different and weird? 👉 WHAT IF *We* are the NEW HEART living in an OLD, dying dualistic 3D circulatory system that is about to undergo a radical cosmic vibratory transfusion and heart transplant.. and THAT can feel strange and different. We're on the cusp of CHANGE..but while we’re still in the transition phase, the dissonance can sometimes feel "different" and strange. Perhaps that "dissonance" is two different energies/gestalts - the NEW and the OLD - operating in the same space. We can feel "spacey" or "in two worlds walking "or agitatedor flattened and exhausted or wildly inspired, creative, and blissful.. sometimes, all at the same time! It’s quite exciting and adventurous, really We are the new and improved Indiana Jones walking a bridge invisible to those who see with OLD paradigm eyes.. A bridge clearlyVISIBLE to us who see with NEW EYES, who power-up with NEW ENERGIES, and who love and care with a HEART anchored into the CENTRAL DIVINE HEART OF ALL We’re stepping OUT of the OLD and INTO the NEW! Strange and different? BRING IT! "If your eyes are opened, you'll see the thingsworth seeing." Rumi ALL IS ONE 💖 ALL IS LOVE💞 Pat Donworth 2024

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