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One day I hope us black people can be wise and mature enough to discuss and understand the implications of not recasting Tchalla.

If you don’t get it it’s tragic but understandable; as we’ve never required much. Our willingness to accept the deletion of the most popular black character in history set a precedent and sent a message to Hollywood.

One that said we don’t even prioritize our own characters so why should you? This is why there is no Armor wars, No Iron Heart and a light skin John Stewart.

Imagine never seeing him again because an actor passed. They would never. They would never rebuild it with his son, or not recast. Wake Up!

One day I hope us black people can be wise and mature enough to discuss and understand the implications of not recasting Tchalla.If you don’t get it it’s tragic but understandable; as we’ve never required much. Our willingness to accept the deletion of the most popular black character in history set a precedent and sent a message to Hollywood.One that said we don’t even prioritize our own characters so why should you? This is why there is no Armor wars, No Iron Heart and a light skin John Stewart.Imagine never seeing him again because an actor passed. They would never. They would never rebuild it with his son, or not recast. Wake Up!

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