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1/4 The pharmaceutical industry suggest that statins “stabilize” plaque. However, overwhelming evidence points to statins calcifying plaque. So here we have it ⤵️ "We previously thought lipid-laden soft plaque was more likely to rupture and cause heart attacks, but based /2

2/4 on our new research, it's more the CALCIFIED plaque that appears to be associated with adverse cardiovascular events" said Brent Muhlestein, MD, one of the study's authors and co-director of cardiology research at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute. /3

3/4 In this study, through careful quantitative evaluation, the composition of coronary artery plaque identified in the subjects through CT coronary angiography was stratified proportionately into amounts of soft, calcified, and fibrous plaque and compared with future risk of /4

4/4 unstable angina, heart attack or death. Unexpectedly, proportionately higher quantities of calcified plaque best predicted major adverse coronary events, while soft plaque did not, researchers found. .

1/4 The pharmaceutical industry suggest that statins “stabilize” plaque. However, overwhelming evidence points to statins calcifying plaque. So here we have it ⤵️ "We previously thought lipid-laden soft plaque was more likely to rupture and cause heart attacks, but based /22/4 on our new research, it's more the CALCIFIED plaque that appears to be associated with adverse cardiovascular events" said Brent Muhlestein, MD, one of the study's authors and co-director of cardiology research at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute. /33/4 In this study, through careful quantitative evaluation, the composition of coronary artery plaque identified in the subjects through CT coronary angiography was stratified proportionately into amounts of soft, calcified, and fibrous plaque and compared with future risk of /44/4 unstable angina, heart attack or death. Unexpectedly, proportionately higher quantities of calcified plaque best predicted major adverse coronary events, while soft plaque did not, researchers found. .

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