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My children are not homeschooled. But this is 100%. And their teachers told me to stop doing it because my kids “will end up getting bored and not feeling challenged in school.” Currently looking at options.

And here's a tip most people don't know: State schools (in states with a strong evangelical lobby) have dedicated applicant pools for homeschoolers that are traditionally less competitive. A student can attend any high school, switch to homeschool for 11/12th grade, and take

It’s hard to replicate the feeling of going to school feeling unprepared for a test, not knowing where to sit at lunch, having a crush in Algebra class, etc. - which is important for development. But, with diligent parenting, all of these non-quantifiables can be taught and

My children are not homeschooled. But this is 100%. And their teachers told me to stop doing it because my kids “will end up getting bored and not feeling challenged in school.” Currently looking at options. And here's a tip most people don't know: State schools (in states with a strong evangelical lobby) have dedicated applicant pools for homeschoolers that are traditionally less competitive. A student can attend any high school, switch to homeschool for 11/12th grade, and takeIt’s hard to replicate the feeling of going to school feeling unprepared for a test, not knowing where to sit at lunch, having a crush in Algebra class, etc. - which is important for development. But, with diligent parenting, all of these non-quantifiables can be taught and

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