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He posted a quote from this JLCCNC outfit of like $147. Even if you call the right vendors (i.e. not McMaster or OM), the raw material cost here alone is about $120. Saying we should just "innovate" here is not a reasonable answer. Another hot cut video set to "Little Dark Age" showing SpaceX launches isn't going to fix it. When a near peer adversary has published an open plan to subsidize every chunk of value add they possibly can, with the strategic intent of crippling your manufacturing and R&D capability, acting like competing against it is just a matter of business efficiency or out-of-the-box thinking is simply the wrong toolset for the job.

He posted a quote from this JLCCNC outfit of like $147. Even if you call the right vendors (i.e. not McMaster or OM), the raw material cost here alone is about $120. Saying we should just "innovate" here is not a reasonable answer. Another hot cut video set to "Little Dark Age" showing SpaceX launches isn't going to fix it. When a near peer adversary has published an open plan to subsidize every chunk of value add they possibly can, with the strategic intent of crippling your manufacturing and R&D capability, acting like competing against it is just a matter of business efficiency or out-of-the-box thinking is simply the wrong toolset for the job.

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