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COVERUP? Has anyone else noticed a concerted effort to suppress the drone story? The new narrative is that there are no drones and that we’ve all been seeing airplanes. Everytime I share new video it get immediately ‘community noted’. Who is behind the suppression? https://t.co/uyYi4RTaW1

COVERUP? Clearly videos like this one are merely airplanes. This is how airplanes move.

COVERUP? This is clearly a plane.

COVERUP: Just planes…

COVERUP? Just planes? h/t @TheProjectUnity

@TheProjectUnity COVERUP: It’s just planes people… h/t @Brick_Suit

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Just planes…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Presumably these are just planes in China…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? I guess this is just a plane…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Everyone knows planes spray chemicals…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? More planes…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Planes… h/t @beeple

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP? More planes…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP? More planes…

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP: Warren County (NJ) Police Chiefs Association is worried about the planes.

@TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP? More planes….

COVERUP? Has anyone else noticed a concerted effort to suppress the drone story? The new narrative is that there are no drones and that we’ve all been seeing airplanes. Everytime I share new video it get immediately ‘community noted’. Who is behind the suppression? https://t.co/uyYi4RTaW1COVERUP? Clearly videos like this one are merely airplanes. This is how airplanes move. COVERUP? This is clearly a plane. COVERUP: Just planes… COVERUP? Just planes? h/t @TheProjectUnity @TheProjectUnity COVERUP: It’s just planes people… h/t @Brick_Suit @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Just planes… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Presumably these are just planes in China… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? I guess this is just a plane… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Everyone knows planes spray chemicals… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? More planes… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit COVERUP? Planes… h/t @beeple @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP? More planes… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP? More planes… @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP: Warren County (NJ) Police Chiefs Association is worried about the planes. @TheProjectUnity @Brick_Suit @beeple COVERUP? More planes….

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