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As a Jew who grew up in a country governed by an extreme right wing party - replete with anti-semitic remnants of a wartime Nazi party - I am very sensitive to extreme right wing rhetoric. So when Elon Musk endorsed the AfD, I was puzzled, even alarmed. Wasn't the AfD practially a Nazi party? That's what I had been assured was the case, in multiple MSM pieces - and I failed to fact check. accepting this trope blindly. Then I read the AfD "Manifesto for Germany" (Link to the manifesto, provided by @alojoh - thanks, AJ! - posted below). I read it end-to-end. Frankly, I was stunned! This manifesto absolutely accorded with my upbringing, which I describe traditional western liberalism. I strongly urge all thinking people to AND to read Elon Musk's own reasons for backing the AfD (see thread posted below). After reading these pieces, let me know your honest take. If you simply respond negatively from the gut, I will know, and you will be challenged! AfD manifesto posted here by @alojoh - https://t.co/Kv6RGmmOb0 Elon's article published below, with sources fully attributed.

As a Jew who grew up in a country governed by an extreme right wing party - replete with anti-semitic remnants of a wartime Nazi party - I am very sensitive to extreme right wing rhetoric. So when Elon Musk endorsed the AfD, I was puzzled, even alarmed. Wasn't the AfD practially a Nazi party? That's what I had been assured was the case, in multiple MSM pieces - and I failed to fact check. accepting this trope blindly. Then I read the AfD "Manifesto for Germany" (Link to the manifesto, provided by @alojoh - thanks, AJ! - posted below). I read it end-to-end. Frankly, I was stunned! This manifesto absolutely accorded with my upbringing, which I describe traditional western liberalism. I strongly urge all thinking people to AND to read Elon Musk's own reasons for backing the AfD (see thread posted below). After reading these pieces, let me know your honest take. If you simply respond negatively from the gut, I will know, and you will be challenged! AfD manifesto posted here by @alojoh - https://t.co/Kv6RGmmOb0 Elon's article published below, with sources fully attributed.

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