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An Indlan reporter is given the opportunity to interview the Dalai Lama about a number of things, but chooses to focus on lmmlgratlon to The West and asks... Reporter: People from Afghanistan or Africa who want to stay in Europe, shouldn't they be allowed to? Lama: No, Europe will become like Afghanistan or Africa... he he he he he. Reporter: Like my parents came to The UK from India, that's ok too isn't it? Lama: No, England is small island, 90% become lndlan he he he he he he. The Dalai Lama gets it, he thinks she's mildly retarded, why can't the reporter understand🤔

An Indlan reporter is given the opportunity to interview the Dalai Lama about a number of things, but chooses to focus on lmmlgratlon to The West and asks... Reporter: People from Afghanistan or Africa who want to stay in Europe, shouldn't they be allowed to? Lama: No, Europe will become like Afghanistan or Africa... he he he he he. Reporter: Like my parents came to The UK from India, that's ok too isn't it? Lama: No, England is small island, 90% become lndlan he he he he he he. The Dalai Lama gets it, he thinks she's mildly retarded, why can't the reporter understand🤔

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