I spent 4yrs on President Trump's National Security Council – first day to last – and I fear there are mistakes being made NOW re: NSC that will lead to four years of ineffective governance at best, betrayal at worst. Out of loyalty to him, I am going public. Here we go: 1/
Let me start by saying, this isn't about Rep. Waltz or Alex Wang, who I believe love POTUS and mean well. But it appears they are getting bad advice that will have CASCADING and CATASTROPHIC impact on President Trump's ability to execute his agenda, end war, bring prosperity,
First: WHAT IS THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL? Most people don't understand what the NSC actually **does**. Most people don't even know that it it as the White House. I'll lay it out simply: If the President is the owner of the football team, the NSC is the Quarterback. 3/
NSC are a group of staff officers who sit in the White House, and whose job is to make sure that the "Departments" and "Agencies" of the United States Government DO WHAT THE PRESIDENT WANTS THEM TO DO. Their job is to make sure that what the President says, happens. 4/
When it comes to NSC Staff, PERSONNEL IS POLICY. I'm hearing (from multiple people) that a significant % of NSC Staff have been told that they will be allowed to stay. This is a serious error if true. Removing people like this isn’t personal, its just prudent. Here's why: 5/
During term one, myself, @EzraACohen, +others advocated for rapid turnover of staff to bring in new blood. Fearing "Optics" of a mass firing, we were told no, and ~50% stayed. THIS IS WHAT PRESIDENT BIDEN DID, four years later. WE SHOULD DO THE SAME. 6/
@EzraACohen Rapid staff turnover is CRITICAL. Because if you remember, guess who stayed on (allagedly), during those early days? >> the person who (allgedely) kicked off the first impeachment. 7/
Many who stayed undermined President Trump by PURSUING THEIR OBAMA GUIDANCE FROM UNTIL GIVEN EXPLICIT ORDERS TO STOP. (Some who stayed were great.) These civil servants had signed for a different POTUS. They weren't mission aligned. THE PRESIDENT DESERVES LOYAL STAFF. 8/
Beyond the general fact of many NSC Staff being told that they can stay, there are specific NSC senior leaders –including my successor, Anne Neuberger– who are also angling to stay. Once you become a “Commissioned Officer” in the White House, you are no longer a career civil
Next: The people who are being hired. Many who have gotten the nod are great. But a significant number of as-yet-unannounced staff have long histories of being vocally "never Trump," and working for prominent figures who have repeatedly undermined the President. 10/
Remember: NSC are STAFF OFFICERS. They make HUNDREDS of minor decisions a month that affect U.S. foreign policy. "We need your clearance on this statement by X Ambassador for the UN Gender Conference." This x 100! Unless they are ALIGNED, it'll be business as usual. 11/
On hiring, it's CRITICAL that the people taking these jobs be SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS. Specifically, they need to have OPERATIONAL and ON-THE-GROUND experience in the region or topic they are working. Because the establishment WILL try to "snow" them, to keep the status quo, slow
One example: I am hearing Adam Howard, HPSCI GOP Staff Director, former Mike Turner staffer, will be taking NSC Intel. I don't know him, or whether he has supported the President in the past, but without an operational intelligence background, you can't clean up the mess made by
The Intel Senior Director position is one of the most CRITICAL posts in U.S. Government. They are the President's personal envoy to the Intelligence Community, and speak with his voice. If that person isn't 100% on board with the Trump Agenda, we are in for trouble. 14/
There is more going on here, but I'm going to leave it there for now. I know there are folks who will be upset at me for going public, and that's okay. I love the President, and have supported him publicly since 2015. I worked for him loyally for all four years. And then