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There are still people like Sam Harris who think that ANY lie, no mattter how depraved, is justified to prevent @realDonaldTrump from being democratically elected or, if elected, to remove from office. Is TDS curable or does the brain turn into irreparable melted goo?

Sam Harris simultaneously advocates telling horrible lies to prevent the public from voting with accurate facts, but also writes a book about how lying is the worst thing ever and we should never do it! Hypocrisy personified.

Since Sam Harris now puts me in the same camp as @realDonaldTrump, he can, by his own admitted pseudo-morality, justify any half-truth or lie about me

There are still people like Sam Harris who think that ANY lie, no mattter how depraved, is justified to prevent @realDonaldTrump from being democratically elected or, if elected, to remove from office. Is TDS curable or does the brain turn into irreparable melted goo?Sam Harris simultaneously advocates telling horrible lies to prevent the public from voting with accurate facts, but also writes a book about how lying is the worst thing ever and we should never do it! Hypocrisy personified. Since Sam Harris now puts me in the same camp as @realDonaldTrump, he can, by his own admitted pseudo-morality, justify any half-truth or lie about me

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