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$125k fully remote or $165k three days on site, which would you choose?

@wildfairydom Some of y’all forget that you spend money on gas, food, and clothes to go to the office. AND also remember the time you lose getting ready & commuting to and from work that go beyond 8 hours 125k all day idc

@umokklagoon Like it’s people really not seeing this as a difficult decision like you can wake up later, do laundry, cook, or run an errand and still be working. When I take a break on site, I’m only able to do a little bit of scrolling or make a few phone calls lol.

$125k fully remote or $165k three days on site, which would you choose?@wildfairydom Some of y’all forget that you spend money on gas, food, and clothes to go to the office. AND also remember the time you lose getting ready & commuting to and from work that go beyond 8 hours 125k all day idc@umokklagoon Like it’s people really not seeing this as a difficult decision like you can wake up later, do laundry, cook, or run an errand and still be working. When I take a break on site, I’m only able to do a little bit of scrolling or make a few phone calls lol.

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