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🚨🇺🇸BORDER PATROL AGENT MURDER LINKED TO RADICAL TRANS MILITANT CULT The murder of agent David Maland near the Canadian border is now tied to a violent trans extremist cult accused of multiple killings across the country. Suspects Felix "Ophelia" Bauckholt and Teresa "Milo" Youngblut, both trans-identifying radicals, were being monitored by federal authorities before the deadly Jan. 20 attack in Vermont. Youngblut allegedly opened fire on Maland, killing him, while agents shot and killed Bauckholt in return fire. Investigators say their weapons are linked to other murders connected to the cult, led by trans figure Jack LaSota ("Ziz"). Youngblut’s Seattle-based network includes suspect Maximilian Bentley Snyder, recently arrested for assassinating a key witness in a related attempted murder case. With 4 confirmed killings tied to the cult, federal authorities are now unraveling a deadly extremist network hiding in plain sight. Source: NY Post

🚨🇺🇸BORDER PATROL AGENT MURDER LINKED TO RADICAL TRANS MILITANT CULT The murder of agent David Maland near the Canadian border is now tied to a violent trans extremist cult accused of multiple killings across the country. Suspects Felix "Ophelia" Bauckholt and Teresa "Milo" Youngblut, both trans-identifying radicals, were being monitored by federal authorities before the deadly Jan. 20 attack in Vermont. Youngblut allegedly opened fire on Maland, killing him, while agents shot and killed Bauckholt in return fire. Investigators say their weapons are linked to other murders connected to the cult, led by trans figure Jack LaSota ("Ziz"). Youngblut’s Seattle-based network includes suspect Maximilian Bentley Snyder, recently arrested for assassinating a key witness in a related attempted murder case. With 4 confirmed killings tied to the cult, federal authorities are now unraveling a deadly extremist network hiding in plain sight. Source: NY Post

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