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Is the theory of Old Earth Creationism merely an inconsequential scientific debate, or does it fundamentally challenge the truthfulness of Scripture and God’s character? Let’s explore some reasons why Evolution and Old Earth Creationism are incompatible with the Bible🧵👇

1. The Nature of Time and Creation Philosophically, time is contingent upon creation itself. Genesis 1:1 declares, “In the beginning, God created…”—both time and the cosmos came into being through divine action. Modern physics affirms time’s dependence on matter, energy, and

2. Six Days: Literal or Figurative? The Hebrew word for “day” (יוֹם, yom) is used consistently in Genesis 1 with numerical qualifiers (“first day,” “second day,” etc.). Elsewhere in Scripture, such usage always refers to literal 24-hour days. Exodus 20:11 confirms this when God

3. Human Fallibility in Dating Methods Secular dating methods—radiometric, ice core layers, etc.—rest on assumptions about the constancy of decay rates, starting conditions, and contamination. Yet, empirical challenges abound. Carbon-14 has been found in supposedly “millions of

4. The Global Flood: The Earth’s Forgotten Cataclysm Young-earth creationism hinges on the reality of a global flood (Genesis 6-9). Fossil graveyards across continents show rapid burial on a massive scale. Polystrate fossils—trees passing through multiple sediment layers—defy

5. Genetics and a Recent Human Origin Mitochondrial DNA studies reveal all humans share a common female ancestor—termed “Mitochondrial Eve.” Mainstream science dates her to tens of thousands of years ago, but recalibrations using realistic mutation rates reduce this drastically

6. The Problem of Death Before Sin Old-earth models inherently place millions of years of animal death, disease, and suffering before Adam’s fall. Yet Scripture is unequivocal: “Through one man, sin entered the world, and death through sin” (Romans 5:12). Philosophically, a God

7. Starlight and Time: A Young Earth Compatible with Cosmic Evidence Critics argue distant starlight refutes a young earth, but the problem is more complex than presented. The horizon problem in cosmology highlights that even secular models struggle to explain how light could

8. The Philosophical Foundations of Science The scientific method relies on the uniformity of nature—expecting consistent physical laws over time and space. This assumption only makes sense in a theistic framework. If nature is purely the result of chance, there’s no reason to

9. Historical and Cultural Memories of Creation and Flood Nearly every ancient culture has stories of a catastrophic flood, often eerily similar to the Genesis account. From Mesopotamian legends (e.g., Gilgamesh) to Native American traditions, these widespread memories hint at a

10. The Limits of Historical Science Science based on repeatable observation differs from historical science, which interprets past events without direct observation. Fossils and rock layers don’t “speak for themselves”—they are interpreted based on presuppositions. A biblical

11. Soft Tissue and DNA in “Ancient” Fossils The discovery of soft tissue, proteins, and even DNA in fossils supposedly millions of years old raises serious questions about deep time. These biological materials degrade rapidly and should not persist beyond tens of thousands of

12. The Testimony of Christ Finally, (and most importantly) for the Christian, the authority of Jesus Christ settles this issue. Christ refers to Adam, Eve, Abel, and the Flood as real historical events (Matthew 19:4-5; Luke 17:26-27). If Christ is the Truth, His testimony

Young-earth creationism isn’t merely a “religious” stance—it is a comprehensive worldview grounded in the harmony of Scripture, science, and philosophy. It provides a coherent explanation of the origin of time, life, and natural laws, challenging the unfounded assumptions of

If you enjoyed this thread please like and share and consider subscribing to my account @Ancient_Masc for more content! If you’d like to read more long form content from me on manhood, Christianity, culture, history, and politics, consider following my Substack here:

For those wanting to dive deeper into the case for Young Earth Creationism, here are some highly recommended books that cover scientific, biblical, and philosophical perspectives: The Ultimate Proof of Creation by Jason Lisle – A powerful apologetic tool that uses logic and

“God produced the entire mass for the adornment of his majesty in six days. On the seventh day, he consecrated it with a blessing.” Saint Theophilus of Antioch (c. 120–190 AD)

While we’re on the topic, here’s a list of prominent old-earth creationists and figures you should watch out for. Their views on creation compromise the historicity of the Genesis account. Beware lest you be taken captive by their false arguments and what is falsely called

Is the theory of Old Earth Creationism merely an inconsequential scientific debate, or does it fundamentally challenge the truthfulness of Scripture and God’s character? Let’s explore some reasons why Evolution and Old Earth Creationism are incompatible with the Bible🧵👇 1. The Nature of Time and Creation Philosophically, time is contingent upon creation itself. Genesis 1:1 declares, “In the beginning, God created…”—both time and the cosmos came into being through divine action. Modern physics affirms time’s dependence on matter, energy, and 2. Six Days: Literal or Figurative? The Hebrew word for “day” (יוֹם, yom) is used consistently in Genesis 1 with numerical qualifiers (“first day,” “second day,” etc.). Elsewhere in Scripture, such usage always refers to literal 24-hour days. Exodus 20:11 confirms this when God 3. Human Fallibility in Dating Methods Secular dating methods—radiometric, ice core layers, etc.—rest on assumptions about the constancy of decay rates, starting conditions, and contamination. Yet, empirical challenges abound. Carbon-14 has been found in supposedly “millions of 4. The Global Flood: The Earth’s Forgotten Cataclysm Young-earth creationism hinges on the reality of a global flood (Genesis 6-9). Fossil graveyards across continents show rapid burial on a massive scale. Polystrate fossils—trees passing through multiple sediment layers—defy 5. Genetics and a Recent Human Origin Mitochondrial DNA studies reveal all humans share a common female ancestor—termed “Mitochondrial Eve.” Mainstream science dates her to tens of thousands of years ago, but recalibrations using realistic mutation rates reduce this drastically 6. The Problem of Death Before Sin Old-earth models inherently place millions of years of animal death, disease, and suffering before Adam’s fall. Yet Scripture is unequivocal: “Through one man, sin entered the world, and death through sin” (Romans 5:12). Philosophically, a God 7. Starlight and Time: A Young Earth Compatible with Cosmic Evidence Critics argue distant starlight refutes a young earth, but the problem is more complex than presented. The horizon problem in cosmology highlights that even secular models struggle to explain how light could 8. The Philosophical Foundations of Science The scientific method relies on the uniformity of nature—expecting consistent physical laws over time and space. This assumption only makes sense in a theistic framework. If nature is purely the result of chance, there’s no reason to 9. Historical and Cultural Memories of Creation and Flood Nearly every ancient culture has stories of a catastrophic flood, often eerily similar to the Genesis account. From Mesopotamian legends (e.g., Gilgamesh) to Native American traditions, these widespread memories hint at a 10. The Limits of Historical Science Science based on repeatable observation differs from historical science, which interprets past events without direct observation. Fossils and rock layers don’t “speak for themselves”—they are interpreted based on presuppositions. A biblical 11. Soft Tissue and DNA in “Ancient” Fossils The discovery of soft tissue, proteins, and even DNA in fossils supposedly millions of years old raises serious questions about deep time. These biological materials degrade rapidly and should not persist beyond tens of thousands of 12. The Testimony of Christ Finally, (and most importantly) for the Christian, the authority of Jesus Christ settles this issue. Christ refers to Adam, Eve, Abel, and the Flood as real historical events (Matthew 19:4-5; Luke 17:26-27). If Christ is the Truth, His testimony Young-earth creationism isn’t merely a “religious” stance—it is a comprehensive worldview grounded in the harmony of Scripture, science, and philosophy. It provides a coherent explanation of the origin of time, life, and natural laws, challenging the unfounded assumptions of If you enjoyed this thread please like and share and consider subscribing to my account @Ancient_Masc for more content! If you’d like to read more long form content from me on manhood, Christianity, culture, history, and politics, consider following my Substack here:For those wanting to dive deeper into the case for Young Earth Creationism, here are some highly recommended books that cover scientific, biblical, and philosophical perspectives: The Ultimate Proof of Creation by Jason Lisle – A powerful apologetic tool that uses logic and “God produced the entire mass for the adornment of his majesty in six days. On the seventh day, he consecrated it with a blessing.” Saint Theophilus of Antioch (c. 120–190 AD) While we’re on the topic, here’s a list of prominent old-earth creationists and figures you should watch out for. Their views on creation compromise the historicity of the Genesis account. Beware lest you be taken captive by their false arguments and what is falsely called

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