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this is not funny, comedians only do this when they’re in extreme distress

She was trying to work the crowd and ask about their relationship Him: Why are you acting like we're a couple? It's not my fault if you don't have any material Her: It's not that well umm wow look at you. Well I can leave right now if I wanted (???)

Him: Well I can roast you too, you can't just roast all of us and get nothing back Her: So you're afraid because I was saying you're gay Him: I can take the mic Her: I have plenty of material but... embarrassing for you

Her: Let's move on, small dick energy, let's clap for him He doesn't respond, and then she goes on the rant screaming at him to look her in the eyes Full video, relevant bit happens in the first 100 seconds https://t.co/D2ug1aX5Zn

LMAO she took the video down L


this is not funny, comedians only do this when they’re in extreme distressShe was trying to work the crowd and ask about their relationship Him: Why are you acting like we're a couple? It's not my fault if you don't have any material Her: It's not that well umm wow look at you. Well I can leave right now if I wanted (???)Him: Well I can roast you too, you can't just roast all of us and get nothing back Her: So you're afraid because I was saying you're gay Him: I can take the mic Her: I have plenty of material but... embarrassing for youHer: Let's move on, small dick energy, let's clap for him He doesn't respond, and then she goes on the rant screaming at him to look her in the eyes Full video, relevant bit happens in the first 100 seconds https://t.co/D2ug1aX5ZnLMAO she took the video down L 💀

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