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As you know, I've been in communication with hundreds of federal workers & I've noticed a pattern. This is totally anecdotal, but I feel like I need to say something. For at least 5 agencies, the payment systems went offline briefly & were then restored - all around the time DOGE was there. 1/

Again, this could be a coincidence - or it could be DOGE installing back doors in agencies' payment systems so they can turn them on and off at will. One agency had a head's up for scheduled maintenance, but the others had no such alert. The systems were all offline for about an

As you know, I've been in communication with hundreds of federal workers & I've noticed a pattern. This is totally anecdotal, but I feel like I need to say something. For at least 5 agencies, the payment systems went offline briefly & were then restored - all around the time DOGE was there. 1/Again, this could be a coincidence - or it could be DOGE installing back doors in agencies' payment systems so they can turn them on and off at will. One agency had a head's up for scheduled maintenance, but the others had no such alert. The systems were all offline for about an

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